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My teaching program is currently composed of four areas:

Political Theory: The introductory lecture »Political Theory and History of Ideas« is part of my standard program. Seminars on normative democratic theory and neo-institutionalism deepen this theory offering.

Political Systems: In the area of Comparative Politics, I regularly offer courses on democracy research as well as on selected policies.

International Relations: My teaching in IR includes seminars on regional conflict studies, IB theory, and foreign policy analysis of hegemonic powers.

Research-Related Seminars: Among the offerings »from my lab« are primarily political science legal research courses.

Current teaching

  • Introductory lecture on »Political Theory and History of Ideas«
  • BA course »Elections und Party systems in Europe«
  • MA course »History of Ideas of International Law: Innovations and Contexts«
  • BA course »Systemic Competition or Systemic Conflict? Dynamics of U.S.-China Relations«
  • BA course »Federal Constitutional Court Research. An Introduction to the Empirical Analysis of Judicial Governance in Germany«
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